Meet the Bed Bugs Insider Team
Tapping and typing away at Bed Bugs Insider are dedicated writers who hail from all walks of insect writing life. Some have joined us from an entomology career, others deal with bugs in their day jobs and join our team at nighttime.
Together, we’re all too aware that the prevalence of bed bugs is rising, as is their resistance to insecticides. It’s clear that homeowners and tenants have never been in more need of an array of tools if they’re to overcome their bed bugs.
Bed Bugs Insider is home to crystal-clear answers to some of the most burning bed bug questions you may have (such as whether bed bugs are worse in summer or winter; whether bed bugs jump or if bed bugs can cling to your skin during washing).
Our Mission
Our mission is to wage war on the miniature, 5mm long insects that cause itchy red bumps, rashes, and fluid-filled blisters. We aim to arm you with the insider knowledge you need to tackle even the worst of infestations, once and for all.
The Vision
At Bed Bugs Insider, we want to become the most trusted online platform for bed bug answers, tips, facts and treatment advice.
Itching to Get Started?
If you’ve heard enough about us and need to jump right into some effective bed bug solutions, you may want to start with the following guides, which cover home remedies as well as the topic of professional bed bug extermination services.
- Does lavender kill bed bugs?
- Do baking soda and vinegar kill bed bugs?
- Will bleach kill bed bugs and their eggs?
- Does tea tree oil get rid of bed bugs?
- Natural remedies for permanently getting rid of bed bugs
The Story Behind Bed Bugs Insider

“Three years ago, my friend moved into her very first rented home. She was so excited at the prospect of her own space. I helped her move her stuff and raised a glass (or two) at her housewarming.
But only one week later I received a call – suddenly she was bitterly regretting her choice of home (with the bites and non-stop itching to show for it).
It took us a while to discover that bed bugs were hiding away in the cracks and crevices of the walls and floors of her home. Urgh.
Once we’d figured out what the problem was, there was then the matter of the law – were the bed bugs her responsibility, or her landlord’s?
We were confused. While one website said one thing, others said something entirely different. We tried to tackle them ourselves (and failed) – booking extermination after extermination.
Long story short, she spent six months of a 12-month lease bitten red raw and spent a fortune on treatments.
As for the latter six months, my research paid off. I discovered (and proved) that her landlord should have tackled the problem at the start of her lease. He finally addressed the issue and compensated her for the months during which he dragged his feet.
I set up Bed Bugs Insider to help people just like my niece – the homeowners and tenants out there who are doing battle with bed bugs (and sometimes unhelpful landlords!).”
Louise Carter
Contact: loucarter@bedbugsinsider.com
Bug Bitten Tenant?
Given that Bed Bugs Insider was founded due to the lack of tenant resources online, our team has set about answering every possible question you may have as a tenant with a bed bug problem.
Here are a few places you might like to start…
- The big question – is your landlord responsible for treating bed bugs? This guide discusses the legalities of leased accommodation that is infected with bed bugs
- How long can bed bugs survive in an empty property?
- How to tell if you have bed bugs